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2355 visitor
Driver's License
Highest educational qualification
Vocational Certificate
Veszprém megye Ajka
Job position
I am only interested in domestic driver jobs.
Year of birth
Gender: female/male
I have over five years of experience.
I can start working within a week.
Curriculum Vitae
Name: Attila Németh
Phone: +36/30 497 8643
Date of Birth: 19.09.1984
E-mail: [email protected]
Driving License
- Category "B"
- Forklift License (3324, 3258202)
Valid Security and Safety Officer ID
Personal Traits:
- Precise, organized, youthful, tidy, calm, and persistent
- Family, my daughter (2017) and my son (2020) 😊, hiking, snowboarding in winter, mountainboarding in summer (multiple silver and gold medalist), cycling, martial arts, archery
From 2021.03.17 to present: Carrier, Cash Transporter, Coffee Machine Refiller
From 2018.08.07 to 2021.03.17: Package Courier at Hungarian Post
From 2017.12.04: Goods Transporter at Veszprém Wholesale
From 2017.09.03 to 2017.11.22: Trudy Kft (Feed Transport)
From 2015: Z+D Driver, Goods Distributor and Warehouseman until 2017.09.01
2013 Side Jobs: Gusto, Ludas Matyi (Food Courier)
2013 Mantex Ltd. Position: Ceramicist and Painter
2011 Bakony Power Plant Zrt. Position: Machine Operator
2009 - Pizza Courier, Carpenter (furniture, doors and windows), parquet flooring, forklift operation, material transport by van
- Complete assembly of bicycles designed for the disabled / Informing potential customers about: the advantages and disadvantages of a given bicycle / Functional information: "How do the components of the bicycle work?"
Payer Industries Hungary Ltd. Position: Assembler, Final Inspector, then Material Handler
1999 - 2003 Bercsényi Miklós Vocational High School and Vocational School, Carpentry Profession
1991 – 1999 Bem József (Veszprém) Fekete István (Ajka) – Primary School
Name: Attila Németh
Phone: +36/30 497 8643
Date of Birth: 19.09.1984
E-mail: [email protected]
Driving License
- Category "B"
- Forklift License (3324, 3258202)
Valid Security and Safety Officer ID
Personal Traits:
- Precise, organized, youthful, tidy, calm, and persistent
- Family, my daughter (2017) and my son (2020) 😊, hiking, snowboarding in winter, mountainboarding in summer (multiple silver and gold medalist), cycling, martial arts, archery
From 2021.03.17 to present: Carrier, Cash Transporter, Coffee Machine Refiller
From 2018.08.07 to 2021.03.17: Package Courier at Hungarian Post
From 2017.12.04: Goods Transporter at Veszprém Wholesale
From 2017.09.03 to 2017.11.22: Trudy Kft (Feed Transport)
From 2015: Z+D Driver, Goods Distributor and Warehouseman until 2017.09.01
2013 Side Jobs: Gusto, Ludas Matyi (Food Courier)
2013 Mantex Ltd. Position: Ceramicist and Painter
2011 Bakony Power Plant Zrt. Position: Machine Operator
2009 - Pizza Courier, Carpenter (furniture, doors and windows), parquet flooring, forklift operation, material transport by van
- Complete assembly of bicycles designed for the disabled / Informing potential customers about: the advantages and disadvantages of a given bicycle / Functional information: "How do the components of the bicycle work?"
Payer Industries Hungary Ltd. Position: Assembler, Final Inspector, then Material Handler
1999 - 2003 Bercsényi Miklós Vocational High School and Vocational School, Carpentry Profession
1991 – 1999 Bem József (Veszprém) Fekete István (Ajka) – Primary School