joined more than 4 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Herdin Companies Kft.

Hungary Újlengyel, Magyarország
Sale of decorative LED lighting. Procurement of goods from Europe.
joined for over 12 years | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Ireland Lakeshore Village, Burgage, Co. Wicklow, Ireland
For inquiries, please contact us at the provided email address or the given phone numbers.
The most sought-after and customer-rich courier company in Hungary!
Discounts apply to all shipping areas.
For over 100 kg, instead of the listed 2.20 euros, we charge 1.60 euros/kg for door-to-door service.
We offer a 10% discount for round-trip parcel delivery.
We are a officially registered company.
Company Name: Mr. Transporter (Reg.
joined over 5 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Euro-Tapes Hungary Kft

Hungary Budapest, Veres Péter út 71, Magyarország
Our goal is to facilitate the transportation between all countries of Europe and Hungary for our existing and future clients. To this end, we offer a service package that fully meets the needs of our clients, such as continuously informing our customers about the location and status of their shipments.
Every client has different requirements and demands for their own transportation needs. Our new sector, Euro-Tapes Hungary Transport, has been designed to address these needs and the challenges of
joined more than 10 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Szente Nemzetközi Fuvarozó Kft.

Hungary Kecskemét
Our company, Szente Ltd., was established in 1998 in Kecskemét. The ownership consists of 2 members who also oversee the company's professional management. In 2012, Szente International Freight Forwarding Ltd. was established, focusing on international logistics operations.
Our main activities include road freight transport and logistics services. Within this, we carry out international freight forwarding, domestic freight transport, excavation works with machinery, and
joined more than 18 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Valentin Trans Bt.

Hungary Szeged
1994 óta, mint magánfuvarozó dolgozom, 2000-ben alakult át vállalkozásom társas vállalkozássá, amely megbízható és leinformálható! Minden teherautóm árubiztosítással rendelkezik, a nagyobb szállítási biztonság érdekében! A teherautók kielégítik az EU feltételeit, Euro II -es és Euro III -as motorokkal szerelve, kitûnõ mûszaki és esztétikai állapotban, amely ma már fontos szempont a fuvaroztató és a szállított áru megbecsülésének és minõsítésének megítélése
joined more than 17 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Bútor-Trans Bt

Hungary 4025 Debrecen, Szív u.23.
Társaságunk családi vállalkozásként alakult 1991 évben.Az alapítást követõen folyamatosan fejlõdõ, nyereséges gazdálkodást folytató vállalkozás.
Cégünk megfelel az MSZ EN ISO 9001:2000 elõírásainak.
Jelenlegi jármûparkunk: 5 db Euro 3, 2 db Euro 2.-es nyerges vontató. Félpótkocsik: konténerszállítók, illetve rolós, oldalfüggönyösek.
joined more than 4 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Molteam Kft.

Hungary Jászberény, Festő utca 4, 5100 Magyarország
A cég 1997-ben alakult, mérnöki tervezés- és oktatás fő tevékenységgel. 1999-ben nemzetközi-/belföldi személyszállítási profillal bővítettük tevékenységünket. Autóbuszparkunk jelenleg 150db, Mercedes, MAN, VDL-BOVA, SETRA, VW típusú járműből áll, melyet folyamatosan frissítünk, cserélünk, annak érdekében,
joined more than 10 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Euró Perfect E Kft

Hungary Nagytarcsa 2142.
Euro Perfect Electro Ltd.
Tel: +36-20-955-4677
Fax: +36-28-450-452
[email protected]
Euro Perfect Electro Ltd. was founded by private individuals with several years of domestic transport experience. Our company engages in multiple activities, including road transport and relocation services. Our experienced staff carry out their diverse and complex tasks with recognition and professionalism.
It is important for us that the client knows the
joined over 13 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Romania Oradea
Our company, founded in 1994, is fully privately owned and specializes in domestic and international transportation. We continuously develop and improve our services to provide our clients with efficient, effective, and maximum safety during our operations (our over 24 years of experience in freight transportation requires specific conditions. These are supported by quality indicators confirmed by more than 1500 cooperating partners of Landis Impex).
We achieve Western European standards with a
joined more than 14 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Pekár Bence

Hungary Debrecen 4028 Kodály Zoltán u.12.
Transport capacity brokerage in Europe. Management of insurance related to freight transport, CMR-CABOTAGE... Foreign trade. Transportation-operation. LTS GmbH partner. We are looking for reliable transport partners for foreign - Germany-France relations, who have 13.6-meter semi-trailers or tandem combinations. The organization of foreign transports is carried out by a Hungarian dispatcher, ensuring a stable transport and foreign trade background. The conditions and contracts are provided by a German
joined more than 18 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

14 m3, 1.4t
joined more than 14 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
Inter Remiz Plusz Kft

Hungary Budapest XXII. kerület
13 pieces of 13.6-meter EURO 5 trucks
6 pieces of tipper trucks, steel-framed, 3-axle, 12-14 ton payload, 10m³, EURO 2,3
joined over 9 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information
E.L.F. Trans Kft.
A közúti árufuvarozásban jelenleg futó legkönnyebb szerelvényekkel a piacon egyedülálló módon 28t áru szállítására van lehetõségünk (44t megengedett össztömeg esetén 32t). Mindez modern Euro VI-os motorokkal, környezettudatosan felépítve a cégünket már a kezdetektõl a lehetõ legkisebb környezetterhelés mellett üzemelhet.