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joined more than 15 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

AsMAP Ukraine

Hungary Ukraine Lviv
joined over 7 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

AUTO SPRINT Firma Usługowo-Handlowa Rafał

Hello,   I found your details on the internet and I hope you don’t mind my email.   Our company specializes in express and dedicated transport to and from Europe.   We have been in the market since 2002 and we offer dedicated, fast & efficient transport using VANS.   In our fleet, we have box vans and curtainsider vans with a capacity between 1000 kg to 1300 kg (for 2-8-10 europallets), and box frigo/ isotherm, temperature controlled -20/+30C.   We
joined more than 10 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information


Belarus vulica ©èasnaha, Гродно, Белар
Cégünk, a Voxley, professzionális áruszállítási szolgáltatásokat kínál világszerte, szárazföldi, tengeri és légi szállítási módokon. Megbízható partner vagyunk az Ön üzletében! A Voxley magas színvonalú fuvarozási szolgáltatást nyújt rakományok szállításához, garantálja a rakományok kézbesítését, a hosszú távú együttműködést, a legjobb útvonalakat és kedvező árakat. EUROPA – Kivitel/ Behozatal OROSZORSZÁGBA EUROPA – Kivitel/ Behozatal
joined more than 14 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

MDI transport

Lithuania Laisves 60-1104, LT05120
JSC "MDI transport" egy dinamikusan és sikeresen fejlődő fuvarozási/szállítmányozási cég Litvániából
joined over 5 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

SUKI Company Kft

Hungary 2119 Pécel Rét utca 6/a
The SUKI Company Ltd. is an international freight transportation company established in 2016. In the beginning, we transported goods with 40t articulated trucks within Europe (Hungarian-Austrian-German-Italian-Hungarian round trips). Currently, we primarily carry 3.5t van freight mainly within Hungary, but we are also willing to undertake EU-related transport upon request (up to 1.5t). Additionally, our 40t vehicle is available for use if needed. Thank you for reading our introduction! SUKI Company
joined over 8 years ago | Partner reliability rating: 1.8 weak


International freight transport Express transport Heavy loads Rail transport Maritime transport Air transport Logistics services and warehousing Assistance
joined over 8 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Capital Moving & Transport

We transport monthly from Hungary to Ireland and back to Hungary. We travel across Hungary-Austria-Germany-Luxembourg-Belgium-France and directly to Ireland with a long ferry.
joined more than 6 years ago | Partner reliability rating: 5 excellent


Hungary Győr, Kör tér 54/1, 9011 Magyarország
Greetings! I am Richárd Csaba Szűcs, a sole proprietor. The main profile of my business is freight transport both domestically and internationally. I have worked for 6 years as an international and domestic driver with vehicles weighing 3.5 tons. I have over 700,000 kilometers of experience in LTL and FTL transport (which I believe guarantees quality). After 6 years, I decided to step onto less-traveled paths as a sole proprietor. This decision led to the establishment of RLN-Transport.
joined over 9 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information


Transport Company. Under 3.5t.
joined more than 15 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Company Point Kft

Hungary 1038 Budapest Jendrassik Gy. u.4.
Company Point Ltd has its own domestic vehicles and a subcontractor network. Our service also covers the entire process of warehousing. We undertake the delivery, commissioning, and shipping of export and import goods. Upon request, we label the stored goods with a barcode unique identifier.
joined over 8 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information


(EN)What can FES-SPED Ltd. offer?       Takeover of the goods from producers       Optimization, tool, route       Traceability       Cargo handling, fixing       Service with time gate   How do we do all this?       Reliability (availability, partner references)       Cargo knowledge (loading, packaging, fixing)      
joined more than 16 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Riatec SRL

Moldova Bd.Decebal 99/2
Riatec SRL egy szállítmányozási cég a Moldova Köztársaságban. Fő tevékenységünk az áruszállítás közúton Európán belül és a FÁK országokban. Fő útvonalak: Európa - Moldova, Románia - Európa. FÁK - Moldova, Románia - FÁK.
joined over 8 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information


We are a trading and transporting company in Hungary. We are trading and transporting fresh and frozen foods in Hungary, Croatia, Romania, and Poland.

European Freight Exchange freight transport request platform