Case-Vendita kft
több, mint 10 éve csatlakozott 2949 profil megtekintésA partner megbízhatósági osztályzata: nincs negatív információ
Kapcsolatfelvételi adatok
Partner ID 15308
Case-Vendita kft
Dear Our Customers!
Our Company has been lot of experience in logistic since long time ago. We are at services by our reliable, well educated, multi language speaker employees with really young trucks and cargo insurance. We have lot of partnership references and we would like to extend further partner agreements.
Our solution handle by 28m3 / 3,5 tons trucks with curtain tilt. We undertake collecting carriages, movements with packaging.
Certainly our company provide solution all in Europe on your demand.
Please call us for customized offer!
Our Company has been lot of experience in logistic since long time ago. We are at services by our reliable, well educated, multi language speaker employees with really young trucks and cargo insurance. We have lot of partnership references and we would like to extend further partner agreements.
Our solution handle by 28m3 / 3,5 tons trucks with curtain tilt. We undertake collecting carriages, movements with packaging.
Certainly our company provide solution all in Europe on your demand.
Please call us for customized offer!
- Üzleti megbízásaim vannak
- Árufuvarozás, szállítmányozás
- Spedíció, fuvarszervezés
- Költöztetés, bútorszállítás
- Logisztikai szolgáltatás