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A Fuvarbörze érvényben lévő felhasználási feltételeiról az ÁSZFF-ben tájákozódhat.HOW DOES THE FREIGHT EXCHANGE WORK?
The Freight Exchange is a transportation trading platform, an accessible freight software via a web browser, which greatly assists in matching the free capacity of carriers with the demands of shippers in a puzzle-like manner. It helps parties easily and comfortably find each other based on routes, dates, and vehicle requirements/capacity, thus fulfilling transportation solutions in a simple and cost-effective way. The algorithms of the Freight Exchange connect the 'puzzle pieces' of transportation. Our carrier partners can use the Freight Exchange freight trading platform without a subscription, while our shippers can use it for free.
Our shippers can create freight requests for free, while our carrier partners can send price offers on these requests even without a subscription.
Service | without subscription | PRO subscription | PRO+ subscription |
Commission payable after successful agreements | 10% | 0% | 0% |
Sending freight tariff offers | free | free | free |
Attaching phone number to the offer | x | ✓ | ✓ |
Revealing other service providers' tariff offers | x | ✓ | ✓ |
Direct access to shippers' contact information | x | x | ✓ |
Creating freight requests | free | free | free |
Frequently Asked Questions about the Freight Exchange:
Is the Freight Exchange like a forwarding company?
No. The Freight Exchange is an online software accessible from any point in the world via a web browser, usable even from mobile phones, which automates through built-in algorithms that allow carriers and shippers to connect by matching needs and capacities in a puzzle-like manner, even without intermediaries such as forwarders or freight organizers.
For example, if János, the carrier, has signed up for van-sized/weight loads between Munich - Budapest or Milan - Budapest due to free capacity - for example for the period between December 2nd and 20th - the Freight Exchange will send him immediate notifications about related new jobs, allowing him to send offers on associated request files uploaded by either private or corporate shippers, ahead of everyone else.
This way, a very advantageous solution/agreement can be reached for both parties with the help of the Freight Exchange.
How much does it cost to use the Freight Exchange as a shipper?
Creating requests is free for shippers. A minimal cost only arises if they frequently use the Freight Exchange and send many messages to the carrier offering the quotes. Messages can be sent for 100 HUF/message, which amount is deducted from a balance that starts at 0 HUF upon registration but is eligible for credit up to -1,000 HUF. If the balance does not reach a 1,000 HUF debt, there is no need to top up the balance, so occasional shippers can use the request service for free.
How much does it cost to use the Freight Exchange as a carrier?
Our carriers can use the Freight Exchange even without a subscription and can send offers on freight uploaded by shippers.
If the shipper accepts the carrier's offer, the Freight Exchange will deduct a 10% trading commission based on the established freight tariff from the carrier's balance account. The shipper does not have to pay anything. Once the Freight Exchange successfully deducts the 10% commission from the available amount, both parties receive each other's direct contact information, after which they can clarify the performance details, for example via phone.
The carrier can decide whether it is worth using the Freight Exchange with a subscription.
With an active subscription, the carrier's phone number appears alongside submitted offers, thus allowing for much quicker communication through more direct channels (e.g., via phone) during negotiations and clarifying details.
For more information on subscription fees and balance topping-up, click here: