Spuri-Logisztika kft.& Co.TransporterKg.
dołączył ponad 9 lat temu 4947 podgląd profiluDane kontaktowe
Good afternoon!
Our company offers solutions for manufacturing factories, parts manufacturing companies, factories, immediate freight transportation (goods take 1-5 hours, deliveries to short, within 12 to 24 hours) both domestic and international!
In the last few years we've been through many countries.
Typically, our cars are delivered to Budapest-Vienna and to rural towns.
Advantages of delivering these cars:
- Sonderfahrt delivery
- our cars are fast (so we'll be in 1-5 days from any European city)
- safe, no part load (we are better able to pay attention to the quality of our loads)
- reliable, we protect our cargo with domestic and international (CMR) and Austrian transport insurance
- our drivers have more than 1000km of experience
Please allow me to encourage the satisfaction of our partners to the attention of our company's transportation facilities, which has helped many of our partners reduce the export-import freight prices to an acceptable level!
Those with whom we are flying have always contacted us with new orders, thus proving their satisfaction. We are proud of not having lost our partner after completing a freight account!
In the future, we would like to meet as many tasks as possible, to meet more challenges, to increase the number of carriers, to increase the fleet of vehicles, so we are waiting for companies, individuals to apply for their products, pallets, pallets, bags or boxes.
Car Parameters:
We arrange quick and professional transportation of goods with Ford transports, 3.5 tons, boxed, 4-6 pallets (pallet), 1200 kg capacity, 12 and 20 m3 storage.
In the future, more 7.5 tons and 12 t lorries will be purchased, even if there are more cargo options available to you.
We count on you as a partner and we look forward to your reply.
Our contacts:
Spuri-Logisztika kft & Co.Transporter Kg.
1150 Wien Märzstrasse 21/8.
www.www.transporter-spuri-logistik.at https://www.facebook.com/transporterKg/
- Mam zlecenia biznesowe
- Transport towarowy, spedycja
- Spedycja, organizacja transportu
- Przeprowadzki, transport mebli
- Usługa logistyczna