Request for Quotation, Freight Rate Calculation for Transporting Goods - Equipment (Free)
Items and equipment category includes, for example, car tires, bicycles, household appliances, furniture pieces, etc., which weigh more than 40 kg or cannot be packed into cardboard boxes. This does not include palletized, commercially packaged boxes, big bags, bulk goods, complete relocations, etc.
With the Freight Market, you can quickly and easily find out the prices that transport companies charge for the transportation of goods or equipment that you have just purchased or sold, or for any other reason. You can receive accurate quotes for both domestic and international shipping in no time. All you need to do is fill out the form below! Shipping cost offers will arrive shortly. The amount of shipping fees can vary significantly if you find a transporter with available capacity and empty space in their cargo hold for the route you require (backhaul, partial load). The Freight Market helps you with this and the built-in notification system, ensuring that primarily those Carriers provide you with quotes who can transport your order at a better price due to matching route availability. The first step is to fill out and submit the request form below!")
Welcome to the freight marketplace platform!
On the platform, carriers can send freight rate offers without a subscription, while shippers can create transport request bids without a subscription.
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