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List of Freight Exchange Partners Related to the Search

joined over 13 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Kiss Roland egyéni vállalkozás

Hungary 5600 Békéscsaba Mátyás király u.7
Young company, experienced freight forwarders, organizing freight tenders, round trips with Italian, German, and French cargoes starting and arriving in Hungary. Also short international domestic connections. Quick payment options available.
joined over 9 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Tomo Team Kft.

Hungary Pécs
Domestic Transport - Freight transport from 5 kg to 1.5 tons - Small package shipping - Oversized and large package shipping - Freight taxi, pallet shipping - Domestic goods distribution, other freight transport Carpentry Works - Furniture (Room, Office) - Assembly of flat-packed furniture - Building carpentry works - Wood cladding - Wood carving (decorative, pattern, portrait) - Fence and dock construction and repair - Awning and canopy construction - Shade technology
joined more than 17 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Truckunion Ltd.

Germany München
Truckunion Ltd. has been a member of the TransporterCloud.com freight broker platform for over 16 years. The partner's reliability rating: no negative information. They have experience in cargo transport, logistics, and service execution. Contact information: Munich, phone number: 0670-579-3981, email address: [email protected]. Their introduction reads: Providing steady jobs for all types of trucks. The company can be accessed at the following link on Fuvarbörze: https://transportercloud.com/en/fuvarozó/765
joined over 13 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Q-2 interexpress Kft

Hungary 7988.Darány.Árpád.u.2
Our company has 1 tandem trailer with a capacity of 120m3 + 1 96m3 liftable roof semi-trailer + 1 box truck with a capacity of 8 tons. We only deliver within the territory of Italy. We are interested in export-import jobs. Partial loads have priority for imports! There is transshipment possibility at our premises!
joined more than 14 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

M Trans

Hungary Baja
M Trans business Joined the TransporterCloud.com freight broker platform more than 13 years ago. Partner reliability rating: no negative information. They have experience in cargo transportation, logistics, and service execution. Contact details: Baja, phone number: 20 551 1409, email address: [email protected]. Their introduction reads: Domestic small vehicle jobs. The business can be accessed on Fuvarbörze at the following link: https://www.xn--fuvarbrze-57a.hu/fuvarozó/8581
joined more than 11 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Mertvisz Trader Kft

Hungary zuglaki ut 123
Domestic and international transportation reliable and short deadline express jobs 3.5t box closed van domestic and international insurance
joined more than 11 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Mgr. Eliska Sepesiova

Slovakia Trebisov
joined more than six months ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Szemler Zoltan Ev

Hungary Kisláng, Magyarország
joined more than 6 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Treff 6 Árufuvarozó Kft

Hungary Tatabánya, Magyarország
Van jobs. Renault Master curtain-sided, 420cm x 200cm x 200cm
joined over 5 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Hadházi Ferenc E.V.

Hungary Onga, 3562 Magyarország
Moving Transportation Crane Dump Truck jobs. Web.: www.koltoztetes-miskolc.hu 
joined over 5 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information


Hungary De Visserstraat 36, 7331 TB Apeldoorn, Hollandia
Van driver jobs Our company offers domestic and international transport services with Fiat Ducato XL vans. Our company was established in 2017, a small family business.
joined more than 4 years ago | Partner reliability rating: no negative information

Major Ádám

Hungary Érd, Érdliget, Magyarország
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